Background of the Study
In modern Nigeria, a larger focus is being placed on industrial and technological growth. As a result, students are encouraged to pursue science-related topics. Mathematics is a topic that cuts across all sciences. Mathematical approaches now saturate virtually every sphere of human endeavour and serve a critical role in a country's economic success. In order to compete for scientific and technological development, we must excel in mathematics at all levels of education. Unfortunately, student' performance in mathematics at the conclusion of secondary school has not improved in the last decade (Umoinyang, 2019). Several reasons have been advanced for kids' low performance in mathematics. Students' interest in mathematics has been linked to the volume of work completed, students' task orientation and skill acquisition, students' personality and selfconcept, feelings of inadequacy, motivation and self-confidence, anxiety, a shortage of qualified mathematics teachers, inadequate facilities, equipment, and instructional materials for effective teaching, the use of traditional chalk and talk methods, a large student to teacher ratio, mathematics fright/phobia, and so on. However, in order to improve students' cognitive and emotional outcomes in mathematics and/or school learning, educational psychologists and mathematics educators have continued to look for factors (personal and environmental) that may be changed in favour of academic achievements. Self concept and motivation appear to be gaining popularity and leading other variables among all the personal and psychological variables that have interested researchers in this field of educational accomplishment (Tella, 2015).
The importance of self concept in any learning programme, including mathematics, cannot be overstated. This is due to the fact that the most significant single factor of a person's educational success or failure is the matter of what he believes about himself. What each individual thinks and feels about himself or herself is a powerful deciding element in overall adjustment and accomplishment in life. Ukpong (2020) described self concept as the complex and dynamic set of beliefs that one believes true about himself or herself. Sidney expanded the definition of self concept in Oko (2017) to include "all ideas about one's own nature." This comprises one's assumptions about his own talents and flaws, as well as his opportunities for growth and personal experience. It involves what people learn about themselves via experience, introspection, and criticism from others. Cokley (2018) defines academic self-concept as "attitudes, sentiments, and perceptions about one's intellectual or academic abilities." According to the same source, academic self-concept is how a student evaluates his or her academic abilities in comparison to other pupils. Students place a high value on academic performance, therefore self-acceptance is mostly dependent on cognitive talents (Cokley 2018). The reasons of mathemaphobia are both internal (hereditary) and external (environment). Age affects self-concept. Age refers to how long someone has been alive on Earth. Secondary level Mathematics necessitates a specific age owing to its abstract components. Piaget, the proponent of cognitive development theory, refers to the ability to reason in abstract terms as formal operations. People who have attained the formal operations level of cognitive development can deal with abstractions, generate hypotheses, and participate in the mental manipulation necessary in Mathematics.
On the other hand, one of the most essential aspects impacting learning, particularly in educationally disadvantaged institutions of higher learning, is a lack of motivation. Awan et al. (2011) describe motivation as an internal condition that motivates, directs, and maintains behaviour, and they feel that there is a significant link between learning and motivation. Students who are motivated to learn about a topic are eager to participate in activities that they believe will help them learn, such as paying close attention to the instruction, taking notes to aid subsequent study, checking their level of understanding, and asking for assistance when they do not understand the material (Pintrich and Schunk 2002). According to Brown et al. (1998), the issue in higher education has always been to excite, generate, and strengthen the motivation of those students whose passion for studying is questionable. Students' motivation in school and its impact on academic achievement are seen as critical aspects of effective learning. However, a learner's attitude to education decides how far he or she will go in education. The importance of motivation in a child's arithmetic education cannot be overstated. That is why Hall (1989) argues that there is a need to encourage students in order to awaken and keep their interest in learning mathematics.
Statement of the Problem
The poor performance in mathematics in Secondary Schools Certificate Examination (SSCE) and the General Certificate of Education (GCE) examinations by students, has become a source of worry to stakeholders in the education sector, especially in view of the nation’s goal to be one of the world’s top 20 economies by 2020. Recent study conducted by Uka (2020) as referenced by report released by the two examination bodies show that poor performance of students in WAEC and NECO exams in recent times, has resulted in an average failure rate in mathematics of 72 per cent, 74 per cent, 74 per cent and 75 per cent in 2008,2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively.
Although many factors may have contributed in no small measure to poor performance of students, the phenomenon may not be totally separated from inadequacies in the personality of learners. This is because according to Ukpong (2020) a person who doubts himself is like a man who enlists in ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by being the first person to be convinced of it. Uko (2018) also observed that Mathophobia which accounts for the massive withdrawal of students from the mathematics class may be a symptom of low self concept. Fear stems from a feeling of inadequacy in the face of a challenge which in this case is mathematics. Conversely, students who are unmotivated to learn are not enthusiastic in their learning efforts. They may be inattentive during the lesson and not organize or revise the learning material. Note-taking may be done haphazardly or not at all. They may not monitor their level of understanding or ask for help when they do not understand what is being taught.
Several literature abound on motivation and self-concept, but in recent times, little or no attention has been given to this area regarding its implication on the study of mathematics. Hence the need to investigate self-concept and motivation as correlates of student's academic performance in mathematics in Mkpat Enin Local Government Area.
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